Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈)

Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈). 東京ばな奈の期間限定 通信販売は、ご好評につき販売を終了させていただきました。 東京ばな奈応援お菓子BOXは、ご好評につき販売を終了させていただきました。 TOKYO BANANA RACCOCoffee Milk Flavor. Tokyo Banana is a Japanese banana-shaped sponge cake with cream filling. It is the official souvenir sweet of Tokyo and is manufactured and sold by Grapestone Co.

Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈) I find it's quite similar to the store bought ones. Same texture and taste except not as sweet. Have you heard of TOKYO BANANA (東京ばな奈) ? You can cook Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈) using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈)

  1. Prepare of For Banana Custard Cream : 100g Banana, mashed.
  2. You need 1 of Egg.
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp of Corn Starch.
  4. You need 3 tbsp of Sugar.
  5. It's 150 g of Milk.
  6. You need a few of drops of Vanilla Extract.
  7. You need of For Sponge cake : 2 Eggs.
  8. You need 50 g of Caster sugar.
  9. Prepare 35 g of Cake Flour.
  10. Prepare 20 g of Milk.

It's a fluffy little banana shaped sponge cake filled with banana flavoured custard cream. Also TOKYO BANANA is available with many different flavours and shapes, and some of them are only available at limited locations or for limited time. Tokyo bananas are one of the my favourite snacks to bring back from Japan as a souvenir. It is simple, delicious and totally taste like bananas!

Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈) instructions

  1. For custard : Just mash banana and mix all ingredients (except vanilla extract) together with it in a bowl. Strain the mixture into a saucepan, low heat, stir constantly. Stop when the cream thickens and put in vanilla extract. Transfer cream into a bag and put in fridge..
  2. For sponge cake : Preheat oven to 180ºC Beat 2 eggs and 50g of superfine sugar. Place over hot water, continue beating to melt the sugar and warm mixture till 40°C. Remove from heat. With an electric beater, beat on high speed for 5mins, then on low speed for 2mins "to set"..
  3. Sift in 35g of cake flour, fold together with a spatula for about 10 times. Add 20g of milk, fold together with spatula for about 50 times until combined..
  4. Pour batter into pan, drop pan against countertop to release trapped bubbles. Bake for 11-12mins Drop the pan lightly to prevent shrinking. Let cool completely on wired rack..
  5. When baked, and cooled, cut sponge cake into squares. And cut each square into thin slices  Place each square on plastic wrap (with browned side up). Pipe banana cream onto the cake, roll and securely twist the ends like a candy. Chill in fridge before serving. enjoy!!.

Penasaran dengan rasa snack popular asal Jepang yaitu Tokyo Banana namun sulit mendapatkannya? Tokyo Banana are a series of banana flavored sweets that are considered to be one of the best "omiyage" (presents) to be bought when visiting Tokyo. And here you can see a list with all the Tokyo Banana branded sweets currently on sale: 東京ばな奈ワールド. Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈, also written 東京バナナ or 東京ばなな with the same pronunciation) is a Japanese banana-shaped sponge cake with cream filling. Tokyo Banana (東京ばな奈) (also written "東京バナナ" and "東京ばなな" with the same pronunciation) is a Japanese sweet.

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